During our life there are so many events that happen that we haven't planned for. Some of them are great and changes our lives for the better, other are not that great even very unpleasant that changes our lives in a not so good way. Those events stir up bad emotions in us like anger and frustration, we have so much resistance towards those events and even towards the people involved. That resistance causes that event to be even worse than it should be.
What if i told you that even the bad things in your life are suppose to happen? Nothing just happens, every little even the unnoticeable small things and changes in our lives have a purpose and at the end it will all make sense. If you look back right now, and you think about the bad things that happened in your life (please note i only talk about the things you have dealt with, not unresolved) you will be able to see that it had to happen for you to be where you are right now.
Think about it:
If i didn't have a child what would my life have been life?
If i didn't have my best friend, what would my life be like?
If i had another job, what would my life have been like?
If i didn't have strict parents, what kind of parent would i have been right now?
If i wasn't bullied in school, how would i have lived my life right now?
If i haven't moved to another city, where would i be right now?
If i chose another partner, what would my life have been like?
See the good in each and every one of your answers and you will see the good reasons why everything had to happen the way it did. Should it have happened any other way, our lives would have been very different from the way it is right now.
If you are in a bad place at this moment, just know that there is always a reason for things to happen and that in the near future when you look back you will understand why things had to go the way it did.
This doesn't mean that you shouldn't take responsibility for your choices, infact the quicker you do take responsibility for your choices, the easier it would be to accept where you are right now and to make the best of it. To make the best of your situation is also a choice you make. No matter how had or difficult things look at this moment, you can choose to make it better, you have the choice and only you have the choice about how you feel. Everything around you can be falling apart, but you can choose to go through it with a smile on your face and laughter in your heart.
I call these events; evidence. It is the evidence in your life showing you where you are heading, what you are focused on, what doors are being opened for you, these evidences help you to make better choices and help you to change your focus if needed. I always tell my clients to look out for the evidence in your life that is showing you where you are headed, are you still on track?
If you notice things happening in your life, even if you are prepared for it or not, remember Nothing Just Happens.
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